Sunday, August 16, 2015

What a great dream last night, why did it end?

So I woke up about 8am, after a dream I wish hadn't ended (and going back to sleep of course didn't let me continue it).  So in my dream, I believe I was back in high school.  I remember seeing bus stops (like I was going to school), and I was still living at home, and my brother was still alive.  So I remember heading to school, and for some reason I had the knowledge that the entire school had been told I was transitioning, and that I was to be referred to as a girl.  I went to the first day of school dressed in my usual attire, jeans, sneakers, and a polo shirt.  As I walked around, people kept asking me "Umm, I thought you were transitioning or something?".  It was as if I had actually dissapointed everyone by not living up to what I claimed I had set out to do.  I remember coming home, and thinking how far I wanted to dress girly the next day.  It felt so good to be pushed into what ultimately I would have liked to have lived my life as, as apposed to struggling what people would think if I went out into the world dressed as a girl.

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